Who We Are

Team Alex was started in January of 1999 to honor the memory of Alex Graham, an incredible young lady whose life, and death, has inspired many to do good deeds and to try to participate in acts of loving kindness. In the spirit of Alex’s beautiful message, Team Alex was formed. A group of 14 mostly novice cyclists signed up to participate in the WAM, a three day, 300 mile fundraising bike tour to benefit the Make a Wish Foundation of Michigan.

The support that we received from our friends, Alex’s friends and the entire community was incredible. Wearing matching Team Alex cycling jerseys with Alex’s words “Try a smile, we could use it” our group finished the ride having raised over $45,000. That sum translated into nine wishes granted by the Make a Wish Foundation of Michigan. But that was only the beginning.

In 2019 one hundred and five riders honored Alex’s Wish by riding joining Team Alex and riding in WAM. We worked hard on our bicycles and we were rewarded with an outpouring of support from our friends and families. Year after year, the Friends of Team Alex show that they have the biggest hearts in the world. Thank you again for allowing us to keep our promise to Alex and make wishes come true for families with children with life-threatening illnesses.

In our 25 years of participation in the WAM we have raised overa whopping $6,00,000! At an average cost of $10,000 per wish granted, that's over 600 once-in-a-lifetime experiences made possible.

We dare looking forward to the summer of 2024. As long as it is possible, we will be out riding long miles over WAM weekend with the goal of making Wishes come true. Some think we do it for the ride, but the truth is, we do it for the kids.